Acoustic Leak Detection

Acoustic leak detection is the process of tracing a water leak using a highly sensitive ground microphone to listen for the sound of escaping water from pipes.

We use highly sensitive ground and pipe microphones / acoustic sensors to magnify the noise of any leak. 

This hi-tech method delivers a reliable, data driven and precise solution, without causing any damage or destruction to your property.

Acoustic leak detection is just part our our overall leak detection process here at ADI – the market leaders in professional non-invasive leak detection services on water mains, swimming pools & plumbing.

Our engineers have knowledge and experience in all forms of leak detection technologies – giving us a 99% sucess rate in finding hidden water leaks!

Leak Detection Engineer

How Do Acoustic Water Leak Detectors Work?

Acoustic leak detection works by attaching a stopper to the pipe from which our engineers believe the damage originates. 

The stopper then opens and closes the valve with the purpose of creating a rhythmic pulsation that can then be picked up with the assistance of acoustic leak detectors used in the area above the pipe. 

We then place a microphone above the buried pipes to listen for the noise generated by a leak. As you might expect, wherever the sound is loudest, that is where the leak is detected.

What are the Benefits of Using Acoustics For Detecting Leaks?

The main benefits of the Acoustic Leak Detection method are 

  • Precision – We can pinpoint the precise location of any leak on water mains, swimming pools, plumbing systems and more meaning that your plumber can go straight to the source of the problem to carry out the necessary repairs.
  • No need for unnecessary destruction of the garden or driveway, meaning potentially significant cost benefits. 
  • Speed – The Acoustic Leak Detection method is quick, efficient and cost-effective, meaning that your leak can be located and rectified in the shortest possible time. 

Can Acoustic Microphones Be Used For Tracing Commercial and Residential Water Leaks?

Acoustic Leak Detection works equally well in a residential property or in a large commercial building, so whatever your issue, building size or location. It works on the noise created by a leak, so the type of building or location is inconsequential. 

In our experience, acoustic Leak Detection is likely to be the ultimate technique to find your leak and is often the first choice of leak detection equipment for our engineers.

Central Heating Systems

The sound of central heating pipe leaks can be heard under the floor or inside walls using listening discs.

Water Mains

Ground microphones are used to listen for water leaks on lead or MDPE water main pipes.

Swimming Pools

Swimming pool filtration system leaks are listened for using ground microphones or listening discs.

Underfloor Heating

Acoustic listening equipment is used to listen for the sound of water escaping from the Polyethylene pipes of a underfloor heating system.

Bathroom & Shower Pipes

Listening discs are used with Acoustic leak detectors to detect leaks on hot and cold water feed pipes in kitchens, bathrooms and showers.

Irrigation & Sprinkler Systems

Irrigation system leaks are located using acoustic ground microphones listening for sound of the leak underground.


Listening discs are used in the structural leak detection process to listen for pipework leaks.
If you are looking for the professional acoustic leak detection company in the UK, then call ADI Leak Detection on 0800 731 3843

Adrian Morgan

Adrian Morgan CIPHE RP RHP is the founder & Managing Director of ADI Pro Leak Ltd. Adrian is also the Head Plumbing, Heating & Leak Detection engineer at ADI Leak Detection.

Adrian CIPHE RP RHP is proud to be registered with the Chartered Institute of Plumbing & Heating Engineering, a Registered Plumber and a Registered Heating Professional.