E119 Boiler Fault And How To Fix E119 Diagnosis Code On Your Baxi Potterton Boiler
What is a E119 Error Code?
A E119 error code is displayed when your central heating boiler is experiencing low boiler pressure. If the pressure isn’t at the correct level the boiler will be unable to heat the water to the right temperature.
The displays on some boilers will display the fault as E-119, E119, E1 19, E11 9 or E 119 but they are all the same fault code for Baxi Potterton combi boilers including the Argon, Promax, Pro Max Condensing, Gold Combi, Titatnium and Eco Elite ranges.
Each error code gives you information indicating that something in your boiler isn’t working as it should be or energy efficietly. Its always a good idea to refer back to your boilers installation manual for instructions on how best to rectify the problem.
How To Fix The E119 Fault Code
Fixing the E119 fault code should be an easy fix that you can carry put yourself without the help of a gas safe engineer. Below is all the information you need in a step by step guide to fix your boiler and clear the fault code.
Before you can fix the E119 fault you will need to confirm your central heating boiler pressure is low by checking the pressure gauge on or near your boiler.
If yours is showing the E119 Diagnosis Code then your boiler pressure is low (under 1 bar) – you need to top up your boiler pressure.
If you need to fix an E119 fault your system is not functioning correctly. Repressurising the system is a quick and easy repair but if the pressure drops again, this is a strong indication that there is a water leak on your boiler, pipes or radiators.
If repressurising the system does not clear the baxi boiler E119 fault code, it is likely that you have a more serious problem, this is when it would be a good idea to instil the help of a gas safe gas engineer to investigate the problem further.
Increase The Water Pressure Of Your Baxi / Potterton Boiler To Clear The E119 Diagnosis Code
To repressurise your boiler, you need to just follow a few simple steps:
Step 1) Turn the boilers power off at the thermostat before commencing, and always ensure that the system has had a chance to cool down completely before you try and touch anything.
Step 2) Once you are convinced that everything is cool, you need to locate the filling loop. This is constructed from a metal hose, with two valves – one at either end – and should be easily identifiable.
Step 3) Check to see whether your pipes have end caps; if so, you will need to remove them.
Step 4) Attach the filling loop to the system – make sure that it is properly in place and totally secure to avoid the chance of leaks.
Step 5) When you are sure that the filling loop is firmly in place, you can open the valves. Once these are open, water will begin to flow steadily from the mains, into the main body of your heating system.
Step 6) Take a moment to listen closely – can you hear water beginning flow?
Step 7) The dial on the pressure gauge will begin to steadily rise. Once it reaches 1, you have hit the ideal pressure. Take care not to over pressurise – this can come with its own set of problems.
Step 8) When the gauge hits 1 bar (usually in the green indicator), turn the valves on the loop back to their original position, and gently remove the filling loop from the boiler.
Step 9) Once water has stopped dripping through, you will know that you have tightened the valves adequately. At this point, you can replace the end caps, if these needed to be removed.
This should rectify the issue and clear the error code on your controls as there should now be enough pressure running through your boilers plumbing.
If topping up the water in your boiler doesn’t clear the fault code you may as the question does this mean i have a leak? The answer to that question is, it is very possible there is a leak somewhere in the system causing the pressure to remain low.
If your boiler loses pressure again, this can be a sign of a central heating leak.
If this problem persists and you have a relatively old boiler it may be time to consider replacing your old boiler for a new one. With this will come a brand new warranty which will cover your new boiler for replacement parts of other issues occur.
How to increase pressure using the Baxi Easy Filling link
The Baxi Easy Filling Link makes the process of topping up the boiler pressure much easier!
Topping up boiler pressure using the Baxi Easy Filling Link is a very simple 3 step process:
1) Locate the green lever under the front of the boiler, usually to the right hand side.
2) Push the green level downwards – you should hear the sound of running water.
3) Watch the pressure gauge, once the boiler pressure reaches 1 bar (or is inside the green triangle) you can release the lever. Your central heating system is up to pressure.
Regular boiler maintenance and servicing is recommended to help avoid error codes like this and to maintain the safety and efficiency of your gas heating system.
We Are Here To Find The Hidden Water Leak Causing Your E119 Error…
Here at ADI Leak Detection, our team is trained to tackle all of your boiler woes – including finding central heating leaks, and providing an effective fix. Don’t sacrifice your comfort; enjoy a warm house and a hot shower in no time, and rest assured that your unit is in the safest of hands with all our engineers being gas safe.
Watch the video below to learn how an ADI Leak Detection heating engineer can help you…